Friday, September 10, 2010


7abait a3alimkom 3ala li3ba that's rather interesting..
khalatni a7es eb qeemat el ashya' and really taught
me the meaning of "be careful what you wish for"

So, I learnt this game "Corruption" a few years back when all I wanted was to graduate o aftak, drive a fancy car and go gallivanting all over Europe every chance I got. But as I grew I started wishing for more deeper things and the game got a bit more intense.

The instructions are very simple, this can be played by as many people as you want but can't be played alone.

you start by wishing something .. and your partner has to corrupt it for you
E.G: "I wish I had a Range Rover" ... "But you drive it and crash into a building"
Adri malaqa, but as you get deeper you fall into the deep end like I did.

I started wishing for "A meaning to life" and all I got was "When you do, it's not worth it"

"I wish I was in love" ... "When you do, he cheats on you"
"I wish I was married" ... "He abuses you"
"I wish I had a million bucks" ... "you spend it on weed and die homeless"
"I wish I was happy" ... "people envy your happiness and you die alone..happy"

Lain w9alat lai mar7alat..

"I wish I could die" ... "but no one comes to your funeral"

And that's when it hit me.. this game has a much deeper meaning than funny little corruptions to your friend's wishes. You start wishing for things you never imagined you wanted, trying to keep believing that there's no corruption to it, you believe and believe and start wishing for the impossible and they keep corrupting it for you! It's insane, and you wish and wish and wish.. bas there's always a corruption to it.

So now... I wish I never learnt this game ...
any corruptions?

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Shraykom bil 7araka??

I mouth-crafted this khokha for you cause i loooobbbb you! <3
*dances weirdly around campfire on one foot*

Okay, since i was a new blogger, normally i'd follow all the 'big' bloggers and take notes, 3ashan at3alam menhom.. so i noticed that many 'big' bloggers yeghi6oon min bain fatra o fatra for a few months..
so, gamoorah had a very very very clever idea.


even if i just wrote 3 posts that nobody read...

6ab3an, ri7t o radait o ma7ad yadri, bas yallah shwarana? naksebkom wa7ed wa7ed ;)
don't judge me, i was being a good blogger :(
isn't that what you good bloggers do?
you setted an example for guga :(

what's new?
1. Takharrajt!
2. Qadamt 3ala (insert jam3a name here)
3. Enqebalt ib (above jam3a)
4. Abdi dawam sometime in september?
5. yo3ana..

.. Ma9adig, 9arli 6 months mo katba post o AL7EAN eyeeli writers block? :)
ehe .. ehe .. awkward..
so.. mmm... what have you been doing? .. ehe.. mm..
ummm, so .. yallah 3ayal ashoofkom 3ala khair!

*slams laptop screen closing it*

ps. - see you soon!
pps. - if you didn't miss me, i missed fathfething anonymously..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Someone once told me..

  • That life is a rollercoaster, I have yet to cut my ticket.

  • That clowns are funny, you dont amuse me at all.

  • That I need to be brave, but I can't find the strength to.

  • That people make mistakes, had no idea you'd make so many.

  • That family will always be there, I beg to differ.

  • Someone once told me they love(d) me, do you know I loved you more?

  • That honesty will do you well, where has that gotten me?

  • That music is the devil sound, It's what keeps me sane.

  • That they dont need me, I don't believe you.

  • That you can't breathe underwater, I've tried Oh-so-many times

  • That you shouldn't cry wolf, I cried it a million times.

  • That I should wake them at 5:30, I'm just passing time, galbi.

  • That they'll come around, you're right, mama.

  • Someone once told me that I was destined for much greater, you have no idea.

ps: sorry 3al depressing mood
pps: I blame it on finals..

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gamrah gets a scolding. . .

You know how kel ma baghaitaw tro7oun il mostaw9ef or to the doctors ya36oonkom number o it's (insert large number here) wila (insert an even larger number here)?
o wayehkom il7ilo yi3tifis lama testaw3eboun ina bagi wayed nas jidamkom.
Adri feekom
Ma feekom 9aber!

So, Gamrah thought it would be neat to itwa9il lain 7am (since matnam ela 5 o shay)
o etrou7 to get that blood test she's been keeping off due to .. kasala-syndrome.
we9alt 3ind (insert mostaw9ef name here) o surprisingly ana wa9la gabel 3/4 of the staff.
So an6er..
O an6er..
Lain faj'a enfita7 il bab el ra'eesi wetdish (insert doctor's name here)..
*que: myyy milkshaaakeeee*

(O you know lama faj'a the music stops with a "ziiiii6" sound? ee insert that here!)


Ga3d itkalimni?
altifit yemeen o yisar.. la akeed ghal6ana
la shakelha shes talking to me!
Ana a3almich mino maynam!!

"Uhh, eeh dektora, manimt... mwa9la 3ashan ... a7alil.."
*looks down and fiddles with her bracelet*

After following, her rather.. large.. behind we9alna her office o ga3adt.
Due to numerous mistakes with which ta7leel I needed, I asked Dr. Not-So-Dolittle politely if she can check that it's the right ta7leel..
And heeereee we go again!

"MANA 3ARFAH YA5TEE!........RABINA.......FEEEK AIH *slams large arms on desk*...YOSTOR 3ALAIK....MA9R!"

6ala3t ib karamti, after thanking her for her time, and maybe.. ok well, yeah I did blow her a kiss..
Bas kint khayfah, itloomooni? :/ I didn't know what would make her feel better!
O in my defense, I hadn't slept!

ps: I can safely say, the ibra was nothing compared to the pain she caused me.
pps: Akruhich.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First and foremost..

10 things about 'lil Gamrah!
1. This is my firrrsttt blog..

2. I read maany, maany blogs o amot 3alaihom!

3. Figured, how hard could it be?

4. No, my real name isn't Gamrah!

5. I'm moody, wat7al6am wayed, ta7amiloni :/

6. Follow me.

7. Yes, that was an order!

8. Ma giltlkom eni moody? Matifhimoon? Ha??

9. I'm sorry for being rude, I didn't mean it.. I'm not good with first impressions! *slams laptop and hides under sheets*

10. Hope I'll be able to keep it for many years to come o atmana ena ya3jibkom (Insha'allah) , I heard the blogging world is a tough crowd.